Etosha National Park

The name Etosha mean “Great White Place” referring to salt pan, the most noticeable geological features in the Etosha national park.

The salt pan that covers 25% of the national park is usually dry, but fills with water briefly in the summer, when it attracts many water birds like pelicans and flamingos.

The park has about 114 mammal species including white and black rhino, lions, leopards, giraffes and zebras, 340 bird species, 110 reptile species, 16 amphibian species and 1 species of fish.

Etosha’s elephants are the tallest elephants in Africa, but mineral deficiencies mean that they have very short tusks.

The activities are:

  • Photographic safaris at dawn and dusk
  • Uninterrupted landscapes with unique sight of overcrowded waterholes in the dry season
  • Star gazing in one of the best places in Africa for absence of light pollution
  • Birdwatching